Why does Dr. Schulze recommend completing a 5-Day Bowel Detox before moving on to a 5-Day Liver or Kidney Detox?
The liver and kidneys are intricate filtration systems that remove toxins from your body and bloodstream. Detoxification stimulates the liver and kidneys to release any toxic buildup, emptying these toxins into the bowel. If the bowel is constipated or sluggish, these toxins will sit there and slowly begin re-absorbing back into the body and bloodstream, causing your liver and kidneys to work overtime to filter the toxins out again. This is why the bowel must be cleansed beforehand to provide a clear pathway for toxins to leave the body.
5-Day Bowel Detox contains two simple yet powerful formulas. First, Intestinal Formula #1 stimulates and strengthens the muscular movement of the colon. It will cleanse and detoxify your body of accumulated waste. Second, Intestinal Formula #2 contains the three most powerful and effective absorbers and neutralizers: clay, charcoal, and pectin. Our Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay will absorb up to forty times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste. This formula is also a wonderful soothing agent for the mucous membrane lining.
What order should I take your detox kits?
Always start with a 5-Day Bowel Detox. You want to ensure your bowel is a ‘clear pathway’ before doing any other detoxification program. If not, any toxins released by your liver or kidneys will go to your bowel. If the bowel is clogged or sluggish, these toxins will slowly begin reabsorbing back into your body and you'll feel awful, so get the bowel cleansed first.
Next, if you have brown eyes, do a 5-Day Liver Detox. If you have blue or green eyes, do the 5-Day Kidney Detox before the liver.
You can do all three detoxes over a three-week period, cleansing Monday through Friday, resting on the weekends, and starting the next detox the following Monday. Or you can space them out over a season, doing one at the start of each month. It’s your call and your decision how much intensity you want from your detox experience and the results you’re looking to create.
If you’re ready for a whole-body makeover, Dr. Schulze’s top recommendation would be his 30-Day Detox, which is all three detoxes (bowel, liver, and kidney) followed by a final bowel detox to ensure e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g gets out of you.